Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hoof Balance Re-defined - A Treatise on Re-defining Balance to the Fifth Dimension

!±8± Hoof Balance Re-defined - A Treatise on Re-defining Balance to the Fifth Dimension

What is going on in bare feet all the excitement these days? We all need to feel more and more. Why? Ask a simple question, you should only have a simple answer, which is not likely to happen in today's complicated world. Yes, I know the craze came and went barefoot many times over the decades, but this time something is different. Today we own a horse that has evolved to do, and with this development, is becoming a growing desire to take direct responsibilitycare of their horses stations.

Do not get me wrong, I'm not a fanatic barefoot. I'll be the first to admit that shoeing is here to stay. There is always in need of protection, traction and stability. The question that arises is: has our profession and science to keep pace with these changes in the industry? Our science is a model that can effectively meet the needs of today's horse owners, those who have their horses go barefoot? These were the questions thatgrieved in my development of the Theory of Hoof Dynamics6 suspension. I had and after investigations it is clear that he also many flaws in the foundation of science, we asked.

Frustration best describes my mind set prior to the development of the HPT model. I think that what we call base today, "Imperfectly Natural Hoof Care". Finally, none of us perfect. Coupled with the domestication and can thus "imperfect" works. We, asExperts are called within the parameters of practical natural hoof care and this is a huge imposition, if the environments that we created for the modern horse.

Description of the HPT model and the theories on which is beyond the scope of this document. What I hope to do with this work is to provide new insights in Applied Equine Podiatry, the insight that may have to offer, in some ways a positive influence on their practice. At the end of the day, including shoes,with the ability to recognize the right of action for each foot and the horse is the measure will be set up as a hoof care provider.

Balance is the most talked about topic in the industry. It 'been hotly debated for centuries and probably will remain for decades to come. My job as a traditional blacksmith me how we were taught to worry about the balance of the horse. And 'This was the review ofThe conventional theory, that sent me a different way. Thanks to me my discoveries with you.

The balance dilemma

Balance, as defined by conventional science farrier is largely based on conjecture, this is a statement that this paper must be defended. How can we expect to obtain consistent and repeatable results, if we do not addiquate tools available? Over the past eight years I have tried to make the necessary tools to respond to development needsToday horse and owner.

It was with the development of the model HPT (High Performance Trim Model) that I have an easily defined reference plane, a plane to note that the results as consistent, repeatable and desirable discovered. But before I explain how I define the balance, I think it's important that we all have a clear understanding of how the balance is seen more frequently in practice, the blacksmiths of today. We make sure we are all on the same page soto speak.

Retrospect studies suggest that was the traditional / conventional base balance is primarily developed with the structural mechanics as the basis. Although in recent years have influenced the study of the kinematics of the way today asked the blacksmith to the foot during flight stride.5 current view is seen farrier asked to achieve a dynamic equilibrium in the quest for high performance by establishing 12 horse.11 Dynamic Balance, will now be farrierdescribes the position of the foot and the first impact will be discussed below.

Although the theme of this work is the equilibrium size, it is important to understand that the balance is used to create the size of the balance function. After the balance to permit the proper execution of the function of stride length and the maintenance of a healthy structure.

STATIC BALANCE: a historical perspective

Static balance or equilibrium of the foot is at rest,detail in numerous publications. Text are references to Ross MW, Dyson SJ, lameness in horses, New York, 2003, because it is a recent publication, and the latest information on the static equilibrium is considered to offer today's farrier and veterinary use. It is recognized that optimal function intuitively perfect shape and balance. This also applies to the basic principles of Applied Equine Podiatry has explained: Structure + Function = Performance

Over the centuriesPractitioners were invented beliefs and ideas on the shape and the static equilibrium, which are often due to the culture and discipline to conclusions about what does not affect the basic functions, and that could lead to problems. Many of these beliefs prior analysis of the modern movement, and as mentioned earlier in this document is based on static mechanics. This view takes into account only the static balance and conformation. I have read several articles that attempts to traditional faith, to be integrated with datamade in modern research, these studies often exposed inconsistencies in the application of traditional geometric scale.

Static equilibrium and conformation (Modern / Traditional)

Viewed from the lateral side, the foot should be straight-pastern axis. The back wall should be parallel to the dorsal surface of the pastern, and when viewed from the side, the wall with the angle of heel that approximate the back wall. The angle of the wall andFoot pastern axis should be variable, often cited steeper between 50 º and 54 º in the forelimb and by about 3 ° in hindlimb13. There are numerous theories that claim to such an extent that the only right angle to the wall back to the front leg 45 degrees it was gone. And 'my humble opinion, that these theories are based on unsubstantiated evidence, and are supported only by speculation, not based on scientific evidence.

It has been suggested that the length of the hoofin the domestic horse is connected, the weight of the horse. On the contrary, studies indicate that the length of the foot of the wild horse, regardless of their weight, the variability is determined by the environment. It can be assumed that the environment probably barefoot horses inside the same way affect wild horse.

Modern texts suggest that the length of the heel in the domestic horse should be shod or barefoot around 1 / 3 of that toe14 15, but again inwild horses varies with the terrain (environment).

An imaginary line that the third metacarpal bone should be cut half the weight of supporting most of the palmar surface of the bead (the corner of the bar). And 'this belief that many farriers have led people to believe that to sustain a feature of the shoe.

When viewed on a lateral radiograph, the dorsal hoof wall and the dorsal surface of the distal phalanx should be parallel to each other. The angle of the solar systemposterior margin of the pedal bone, the floor is 2 º to 10 º area. There are theories and hypotheses are that the angle created by the distal edge of the P3 and the ground should be parallel with the back of your handheld. This belief was supported by the following less than traditional models wild horse. In short, be, my own findings in the report, this exposed corner.

Seen by x-ray dorsopalmar, a lineHalving of the metacarpal and phalanges should halve the foot so that the foot is approximately symmetrical on both sides of the line.

The medial area is often the steepest part, so that the media is also shorter than the side wall. A line between any two points of the coronary band should be comparable drawn parallel to the bottom of the foot. The center of the town coffin should be centered on the bottom of the foot. TheInterphalangeal spaces should be symmetrical.

Seen from the soil surface, the width and length of the hoof capsule of the front foot should be approximately equal. It 'also suggested that it might be a little wider than long. The back foot is always a bit 'longer than wide. The tipping point is best judged from the soil surface and must be removed at the center of the tip. The ideal place to tilt the axis dorsopalmar is controversial. Intraditionally trimmed and shod horses, breakover is positioned where the line of the dorsal hoof wall intersects the ground. With the hoof wall as a reference point, breakover should be located between the dorsal margin of the hoof and the white line. Once more, I want it to be understood that this section is a review of traditional static balance, and not balance according to the HPT Model that will follow shortly.

The relationship of the longitudinal axis of the frog to that of the pedal bone (P3) stays relatively constant compared to the rest of the ground surface structures. The medial and lateral aspects of the ground surface of the foot are symmetrical about the axis of the frog, although slight asymmetry with the lateral side being about 5% wider than the medial side being seen as beneficial. This asymmetry is exhibited in the coronary band, with the medial wall being steeper. The sole should be concave. The frog width should be at least 50% to 67% of the frog length, and the weight bearing surface of the heels should coincide with the widest part of the frog.

Dynamic Balance

Claims that today's practitioner is implementing the practice of dynamic balance based on modern findings may be a bit overstated. Contradictions exposed by these modern motion analysis studies may in fact be a point of confusion.

The concept of dynamic balance is not new. In the late nineteenth century, there was great interest shown in perfecting the stride of the trotting horse. This is substantiated by published works that showcase shoeing to prevent gait problems, such as speedycutting, knee hitting, cross firing, forging and overreaching. Static balance, though considered important, was often disregarded, or at the very least, placed second to that of dynamic balance. Though the term "dynamic balance" was not used, achieving the desired results would often result in what today is defined as dynamic balance.

The modern farrier sciences defines dynamic medial/lateral balance as being achieved when both heels strike the ground simultaneously, and the foot breaks over at the centre of the toe11 12. Dynamic dorsal/palmar balance is achieved when either the heels land slightly before the toe, or the toe and heel land simultaneously. Evidence has been presented that would indicate that one heel commonly lands before the other2. Thus, I believe it would have been very difficult to use observation in attempts to achieve dynamic balance.

It is my belief that dynamic balance will be redefined to include achieving a state of equilibrium of function. As continued research reveals the workings of the equine foot, dynamic balance becomes viable and obtainable through the application of correct dimensional balance coupled with correct environmental stimulus.

The HPT Model (Dimensional balance)

For centuries, the farrier student has been taught how to achieve balance in the equine foot. Teaching the principles of balance varies greatly among teachers and schools, with this leading to an inherent problem; a multitude of difficult to define reference points being left to the interpretation of the student. Achieving balance cannot be compared to mechanics or mathematics. It is not simply completing the formula or outlined task, as there are few true absolutes on the equine foot. Achieving correct balance depends on one's ability to correctly reference a multitude of factors as outlined throughout this paper. Though each dimension listed by tradition has been defined as an absolute, most are a misrepresentation of true balance. Angle of hoof is one such dimension that has been badly misinterpreted. In an effort to justify that which has been interpreted as an absolute, various measuring devices have been developed. The farrier begins to rely on such devices and perceives the reading of the protractor, dividers, T- squares and rulers, as a means to achieve absolute balance. It is impossible to state an absolute such as hoof angle, and then expect anyone to use a device that uses undefined reference points to achieve the same. The protractor and dividers for instance, use reference points that are vague; therefore, any absolute perceived is based solely on the user's interpretation of those points. Example: dividers use the hair line, and protractors use dorsal wall and sole surface, all of which can be deviated to the point that the only absolute that can be stated is that neither can be measured accurately with these traditional tools. Further, traditionally we are taught to use external angles to guide us in achieving balance. We are all aware of the angles involving shoulder to pastern in relationship to the hoofs' dorsal wall, as outlined earlier. Are these absolute, considering conformational defects? What about dorsal wall angle to heel angle, and hairline to ground, and so on, and so on, and so on?

It is true that with years of practice and experimentation, the farrier can capably achieve relative balance. This is a statement often used in defence of the traditional farrier sciences: "leave it to the experts; it takes a long time to learn what is needed to achieve proper hoof balance." There are some farriers out there that have the ability to interpret or read a hoof, and can consistently achieve static balance. Most of these farriers will often admit haven taken many years to get to the point where they can make this claim, and the percentage to those that cannot is overwhelming in my opinion.

Just as we have seen a misinterpretation of the many natural balance theories being practiced, how traditional balance is achieved has been misinterpreted to a far greater extent. By having so many variables being left to one's individual interpretation, it is little wonder there has been such difficulty in defining balance. Therefore, the true definition of balance should be defined as equilibrium of function, resulting in the growth of proper structure, and a sound horse.

The inherent problem is that the traditional farrier sciences do not clearly define dimensional balance, and further do not scientifically support the importance of establishing the correct stimulus for proper structure and function. Yes, there are outlines on how to achieve balance; many are based on ones' ability to visualise what lies beneath (bone structure) and what is proper for balance. Dr Doug Butler, author of "The Principle of Horse Shoeing" and renowned educator, stated in the American Farriers Journal that most farriers have difficulty visualising the internal bone structures, and their relationship to the hoof capsule. I find this remark to be of paramount importance. If the method for establishing balance is based on one's ability to interpret so many variables, and the experts are finding it difficult, then my belief that there is an inherent problem has been confirmed. How then did I overcome these problems?

First I took a long look at how I was taught to establish balance. There were three dimensions that were addressed, all of which have been outlined above. To make things a bit more clear, I will outline them again here.

First is Medial/Lateral balance: having equal height to both heels. Often the T-Square Method of balance is used. This method dictates that a line across each heel bisect a line that follows the vertical axis of the metacarpal bone. We as farriers are instructed to hang the leg of the horse and visualise this line, and trim the heels accordingly.

Second to be addressed is Anterior/Posterior balance: this balance is achieved when the dorsal wall angle matches that of the dorsal surface of the pastern, and that of the shoulder. Often, this is achieved by lowering or raising the heels.

A third dimension is Yaw. Yaw is described as rotational balance, and most often comes into play with the application of the horseshoe, the desire to have the centre of the shoe's toe line up with the centreline of the foot on its ground surface. Yaw is seldom considered when going shoeless, or in the application of the conventional trim.

It should be easier to understand why the guidelines for traditional static balance can be very difficult to apply consistently in the field, considering that each is in actuality defined incorrectly. Traditional definition dictates that conformation of the lower limb dictates distal/proximal balance (height) on the medial/lateral ground plane of the foot, and not medial/lateral balance itself. Whereas, conformation of the shoulder dictates distal/proximal (height) balance on the dorsal/palmar ground plane of the foot, and not Anterior/Posterior balance. Why this practice of balancing has occurred is likely to be due to the inability of the farrier to envision the internal structures of the foot; after all, we do not have x-ray vision. With the lack of understanding of the importance of the soft connective tissue of the foot and its internal arch, it is understandable why the blacksmith would subscribe to statics mechanics, and the balance dictated by the science of the time. As a Traditional Blacksmith, I can understand why the need for such simplicity became acceptable. Having defined angles, which can easily be achieved by removal of structure, is by virtue a definition of simplicity itself. Using the dorsal wall angle to achieve anterior/posterior balance has caused, in my opinion, an oversight in how most farriers address dorsal/palmar balance. Today's farrier does attempt to create dorsal/palmar balance, though all too often, only breakover is addressed. This oversight has led to a disregard for the placement of heel purchase which has proven to be of utmost importance.

Within the introduction of my book, "The Chosen Road," I have included an excerpt from "Artistic Horseshoeing" first published in 1887. The texts suggest that the idea of attaching an iron shoe may have first been suggested by examining some old foot, that in the process of decay of the animal to which it belonged, had naturally, because of its hard substance, survived longer than the flesh or even bone. It is my opinion that this very simplistic view of the equine foot has permeated the farrier sciences to date.

With my review of current accepted beliefs, it is obviously not a far stretch to come to the conclusion that traditional balance terminology was too simplistic and would not suffice. I took it upon myself to redefine the dimensional expressions I would use in the treatment of the equine foot.

It was Einstein who defined four dimensions - height, length, width and time. As an example, I could meet you at the corner of 33rd (W) and 3rd (L) on the 34th floor (H) at three o'clock (T). Balance as outlined by Einstein is also insufficient, as it does not account for rotational balance. If in fact the building we had to enter had a revolving door, then we would have to add rotational balance to the example that I used to define Einstein's dimensions. The revolving door would have to be aligned with the opening in the building for us to enter (Y).

Within the practice of farriery, it has been conceded that the dimension of height on two planes would be sufficient, when coupled with rotational balance. Perhaps this is an observation that I alone hold, but I honestly believe that a more accurate means of achieving dimensional balance in the equine foot is needed.

Applying literal definition to the labels used in the traditional practice of farriery enabled me to define a five dimensional model for the treatment of the equine foot. The model is based in part on the plane created by the distal most surface of the internal arch within the healthy foot. Four of these dimensions were first outlined in my book, the Chosen Road, and a means to achieve a plane of reference for these dimensions is clearly detailed there.

The four dimensions are: (W) medial/lateral balance; (X) dorsal/palmar balance (Y) yaw or rotational balance and (Z) distal/proximal balance on both the medial/lateral and dorsal/palmar plane.

W Medial/Lateral balance is achieved by having the hoof capsule centered left to right of the center line of the internal arch and coffin joint

X Dorsal/Palmar balance is achieved by having proper heel and toe placement in relationship to the axis of the limb (coffin joint)

Y Balanced Yaw or rotational balance is achieved when the hoof capsule is centered on the established center line of the internal arch and coffin joint

Z Distal/proximal balance is achieved when the heel and toe planes are parallel to the established live sole plane, slightly distal to the live/viable sole.

It should become clear that if our goal is to have repeatable results in our attempt to achieve static balance, then a minimum of four dimensions are required.

The HPT Model (Dynamic Balance)

Dynamic balance in the HPT Model is far more than simply having the ground surface of the hoof capsule making parallel contact with the ground at the time of initial contact. Dynamic balance can only be achieved with the understanding that providing correct stimulus is the means by which we can achieve equilibrium of functions. Dynamic balance as it pertains to the HPT Model is equilibrium of functions. When equilibrium of functions is achieved, ground parallel contact does occur. Ground parallel contact coupled with the delivery of deliberate and correct stimulus results in the maintenance or return of vital structure and function. What correct stimulus is has been defined within the Suspension Theory of Hoof Dynamics6.


While discussing my speaking here at the summit with Frank Lessiter, I presented him with an analogy that I use in my teaching of Applied Equine Podiatry. It goes something like this: often the aircraft is used to define conventional balance. The aircraft is said to be in balance when it is parallel to the ground plane. The dimensions referred to are pitch, roll and yaw; they equate to anterior/posterior, medial/lateral and yaw. This is a good example of conventional balance, and the model we as farriers are ask to use. I though, have a problem with this example. The control of the plane is in the hands of the pilot, and if at any point in time, the ground is not visible, how does he maintain balance with the ground? A simple question and a simple answer: he uses instrumentation. The question now becomes: what if the instruments are not calibrated correctly? A simple answer: he prays he has a real strong sense of direction. My point is this, having the hoof capsule balanced to the ground plane does not necessarily mean that the instruments are calibrated correctly. It is the relationship of the epidermal layer to the dermal layer that will determine neurological function. If we can determine the plane of the dorsal/distal dermal layer (internal arch), we then can balance the hoof (epidermal) to that of the foot (dermal). We then can essentially calibrate the instrumentation that the horse (pilot) uses to maintain balance of stride and function.

It all starts with providing correct stimulus via a correctly balanced hoof capsule. My studies have revealed that creating balance of hoof capsule to that of the Internal Arch will aid in achieving equilibrium of functions19. Redefining the terminology used to define dimensional balance in the equine foot allows us to be more precise in our assessment of hoof capsule balance. With the return of correct functions comes the return of correct structure.

Simply stated: Structure + Function = Performance

In defence of an industry that has served me well, I would like to state that I believe "Shoeing is not the necessary evil that it is proclaimed to be, it is the lack of knowledge that makes shoeing necessary that is the true evil."

As I go about my daily routines as a professional hoof care provider, I find comfort in knowing that I never have to worry about becoming arrogant; god has made me a student of the greatest teacher of humility I could ever wish for, our true client, the horse. It never ceases to amaze me, when you think you have all the answers, the horse will present another question.

Hoof Balance Re-defined - A Treatise on Re-defining Balance to the Fifth Dimension

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Boots to find the perfect Horse Riding

!±8± Boots to find the perfect Horse Riding

Equestrian riding is a very demanding sport that requires not only skills, but a huge amount of style. Pilots are not always alone with his horse with the speed and grace to obey agreement: they must be carried out clothes, help them at the top of their game and put on a certain aspect of professionalism and command training. This is a competitive sport, it is important in top shape from head to toe to be. Therefore, in order to excel in this sport, competitiveDrivers need to find the perfect horse riding boots. Exactly what are the qualities that they need to come out perfect in the trunk? If you are interested, here are some suggestions.

What height you prefer?

Riding boots are traditionally made to be large, and designed to meet the rider's right leg below the knee. Riders need this additional protection, since the inner thighs always true to hide from the horse while riding. However, there are shorter,Ankle riding boots (known as paddock boots), which are normally used for recreational riding or everyday use. If you are with your training and in competition, you have great horse riding boots. Otherwise, the style would be perfect soon.

What kind of style do you need?

Some riding boots are laced, and some are not. These are not just for the decorations of fantasy - that actually serve a purpose. Choose the style of riding boots, depending on the particular horse race. Bootslace up ankle are ideal for field use pilots to practice the disciplines of jumping. Harder tip of the boots are not used for dressage events. Meanwhile, the fox hunters in good standing for "boots" that are usually a bracelet on top.

How do I get the correct size boot?

The right size equestrian boots is not simply a matter of boots in your normal shoe size. Your game will suffer if you can not use your legs and feet properly to get the event. Wearappropriate clothing (such as trousers and high boots socks) it may be fine for a trip of a pair of shoes. Enter both legs of the shoes that you try. Easy slip-on slide and tools available in the store should.

What additional information should I go?

Fortunately, riding accessories are just better. Apart from the basic accessories, boots hour modern innovations like zip-up again, and so on. Although not a great helpreally necessary. Some people still prefer their boots as basic as possible because it helps them feel like they work better.

It looks great and must feel comfortable contributing to the confidence of a good pilot and help track performance. Receive riding boots a perfect horse, in order to obtain the best results - not only on horseback, but fusion style with substance, too.

Boots to find the perfect Horse Riding

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Friday, September 16, 2011

How is school Yeoman "A" in the Untied States Go Navy War in Mississippi

!±8± How is school Yeoman "A" in the Untied States Go Navy War in Mississippi

How are you going to Yeoman "A" school training.

I arrived in Meridian, Mississippi, for training Yeoman "A" School, called it. There should be a couple of months the school where we teach all the things right, depending on the type of correspondence of the Navy and other paper work.

I was in the middle of the night to my new station. The way the dorms were set up, there were three guys in a room and common living room with 4 tables, TV, and stuffso it was like our living room. I remember a very fat boy, shouting, "fresh meat", screamed. Fortunately for me was that asshole out of his way, and I had made for him very long at all.

I remember the first day down at school. First you had to fall in line with everyone else. The whole school marched from the barracks to the school, in a military order. Down at the school, which teaches us how to type, forbegin. I had an input in high school, but I never learned a word on a typewriter. The teacher was kind to me and gave me a D, the only way I could pass the class. But that was the Navy, and I'm sure I expect to learn how to type. There was no way to make learning, he had to do. I learned the right way, and at a certain speed, in about 2 weeks.

The way in which the Navy will lead the way will show a film in the dark, andhide the keyboard out of sight. Turn off the lights, and I show the Navy that these films are about two weeks. Each two-hour film shows how different words, and before you know it, the film is finished, and you know how to type in my sleep. They have so much input that you end up repeating it in his sleep, apparently, and you should be able to give a certain amount of words per minute to graduate from the class, and having to go to the nearestStation.

In addition to the daily learning in school, do the paper work for the right way, and things like that. Yeoman school was more or less like any other school, you learn things. Except here, they wore uniforms and had the education to get every morning and listen to things said to you.

You could do pretty much whatever they wanted, after school every day. They were allowed to do pretty much everything we wanted, but was not allowed to leave the earth and go tothe city. I was in Meridian for about two months, but I have not had many opportunities to do a lot of different parts of town, just a couple of times to see if they call us freedom.

At school, the majority of people come and go, always ready to send to new duty stations. People were always given orders for all kinds of exotic-sounding places. Do you have something in the Navy that the "dream sheet", you can call, where you get three points you would like to be your next new place of employment.The Navy says it will try, you get your dreams of a workplace or as close to one of them, as they can.

I chose Australia, the Philippines and Hawaii. The Navy, he landed the command, a ship that was stationed in Guam. I had never heard of Guam. I had to go look at the map. It was roughly in the middle of all three of my choice of employment, but not one of them. But it will be my new ship would come later. I had to quit school still Yeomanand the first of its graduates. Some people have never been the type to hang at a certain speed. They landed with early school leaving, and choose another job training.

The school was still a new space for many people. We had just finished boot camp, and I learned more freedom, they gave us, let alone going to scream like it was training camp. Some of the characters of the units, which were moored we were just crazy.

The real estate unit, we were all living, was threeStoreys in height, and had several people who live in it. Some of the people who lived in our unit were waiting to be discharged from the Navy, which for various reasons. In one room, which was directly below us, was a gay man living extravagantly. They were so outrageous and flamboyant gay as Liberace. A black and a white boy.

The Navy discharge them both, for the openly gay. They were the happiest guys I've ever seen, and I think it could be the first since theI've seen in real life than on TV. I was from a small town, could actually make damn best course of action for the Navy, but I do not think so, no man would have been thrown, dass

One day I was assigned my first watch was to be with a partner. We will be traveling a patrol of the campus for four hours. When I introduced myself to my watch, I was with a girl who goes to a Yeoman was also a partnership.

As we walked for 4 hours in ourtime we look at the bus stop as usual. Just go around, and make sure everything was in order. My new partner, I had just met asked me what kind of drugs, which I liked. I told her about my experiences that I had to do with drugs, and was limited, and then she told me. I had never heard mention of drugs which, at that time anyway. Now a days, is the stuff I said everywhere, but was out of town and said he liked and did it all the time, and I do not even know whatwas talking about. That was really the first girl I ever spoke, he wore a uniform like me, and I was wondering what kind of girl, a member of the Navy?

While I was stationed at Yeoman School, we got another paycheck. Suddenly I had a lot more money, and I do not I have any damage. I was looking at a black table somewhere and told me to sell this bike for $ 500. It 'was an employee who was stationed at the base, and alsolived on base, but was working elsewhere.

Students were not allowed to leave the base unless they were released. I had bought and paid for the bike, with almost all the money from your pay, I just received. The man I bought the bike, gave me a lot of extra parts, like an additional tank, gas can, oil, that sort of thing, you get a bike when you can buy it at times. I parked the bike in the parking lot of the barracks. I've always wantedBikes to ride around with me, on the basis, just as I was at school, and then get rid of it. I have all the extra parts, fuel, oil, etc. .. in my cabinet that stands up like a little belief was that you should keep in divided

One day, the employees said they wanted to have a surprise check to see how things were going. We never had control before school, so this was new to me.

When they come to inspect,call them "attention on deck" and you should stop what you are doing and stand at attention until someone shouts: "Carry On". We were all lined up in front of our closets, attention, and opened every cupboard, and see how the guys were put away, and then came to me.

When he came to inspect my wardrobe, and I opened for her, he saw for the first time all these gas cans, oil cans, motorcycle parts and more, they did not know what to think.They had to call special people to see the danger of fire. I was told everything from out my closet and I was told I was not allowed to own a motorcycle on base. I ended up getting rid of it to another employee for $ 50 I met a dead end.

I was able to drive around the base, and lacked the silencer, and was strong, there was no Harley, but he felt me ​​to come. When other boys were in the common room, just sitting, watching TV, I didafter school, me riding on my bicycle, checking the base on my bike I did not have.

After leaving school, students are left in town. Before you are entitled to go into town and called to freedom, was told what to expect and what to do, and should not stay out of trouble. They said that the city people do not really like the man in the Navy, so be careful if you're in town, are all struggling to avoid.

We all went to one ofmost common brand name of the city's bars, where almost all boys and girls from the base, not too many places around. It would be transformed into a giant meat market. Each hut was finally with someone who wanted the school that you could not do in school, or in barracks. Any male or female, captured in a chamber room of the school, said the fraternity, and was very serious, and could be expelled from the marina. In the city, each ended with someoneand all the rooms rented for the night.

School was out, and it was time to "normal marine" join as it was called, and meant the regular Navy ships and the sea and go to other countries.

I took my leave first before going to the Navy, and reporting for duty, for my first ship. I wore my uniform as I ought to do, and I rode on a Greyhound bus, of Meridian, Mississippi to Detroit, Michigan. It 'was one of the longest journeys I have ever done in a bus.It must be stopped at any ranch, poultry farm, on the road. When I finally returned to Michigan, I was dead tired, tired from the bus stop. I was at home with my sister's house for about 10 days.

It was time to go to my first "real" job. My first real service station, was a submarine tender, USS Proteus called (AS-19), with just over 1,300 people were on it. 6 of the crew members were women, wives of all officers'. Half of them would work in my department.

How is school Yeoman "A" in the Untied States Go Navy War in Mississippi

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Monday, September 12, 2011

From Mexico Copper Canyon Chihuahua al Pacifico Railway with

!±8± From Mexico Copper Canyon Chihuahua al Pacifico Railway with


The streets of Chihuahua appeared black, moving smoothly as the unmarked van pulled up, then 0530 to the station, not a single car during the short trip from San Francisco met. Located founded in 1709 by the Spanish and the Native American word for "dry and sandy," as the name, Chihuahua City, about 4667 meters desert plain, is the capital of Chihuahua, the largest state of Mexico, with 150 000 m square mile area. A city cowboy, isFranciscan is the cathedral in its main square, Pancho Villa House, people dressed in cowboy hat, display and save the endless rows of cowboy boots. The state itself, topographically distinguishable from brown-less vegetation formations, is the largest producer of apples, nuts, cotton and pepper, and is widely used in the production of timber and livestock. An agro-Mennonite community produced its indigenous cheeses.

In front of and behind the fence,seemed the two locomotives and four cars came from the enlightened western Chihuahua al Pacifico Railroad newspaper, which, as train 74, one of three songs rocked as he was preparing for the descent or the night in Copper Canyon and, finally, his last stop Pacific coast, Los Mochis. I just want to travel half way today in Posada Barrancas.

The small, two wood-bench-terminal, sporting little more than two cash-'tequillas "in most SpanishTo save the life without, for the operator behind the barred windows and armed with three other baggage, passengers are still asleep.

Fifteen minutes before the start was 0600, opened the door on the platform and the handful of passengers, giving them the cold morning darkness and again charged against the tenant, which indicated the passenger seat numbers. The first of the two cars, with a thickness of 68, in a four-deck seats side by side, 2-2, arrangement, and configuredalternately in red or pale gray-green upholstery, the car featured racks length, adjustable window blinds coated glass, and vice versa, toilets for men and women. The dimly lit car early in the morning calm, incomplete, open eyes, greeted me with a reception, heating the heat generated, as evidenced by the constant audible hum before boarding.

Long response, as the pair locked the rear of the car, produced an initial shock, as the movement of the chain started. Creeping pastthe streets still dark and empty, pulled the train on the tracks of silver, which runs through the outskirts of Chihuahua came, apparently slipping away day before the day as well.

Operating the rail link between recommended along the fertile plains of Chihuahua and the Mexican west coast, the port of Topolobambo goods for transfer to shipping routes, tracks of the Chihuahua al Pacifico railroad its origins to Albert Kinsey Owen, an American railroadEngineer who moved to Mexico in 1861 and designed a connection Topolobambo Chihuahua. Formation of a Mexican-American companies to do it two years later, had a contract from the Mexican government a railway between Piedras Negras and Topolobambo which would then provide stub in Mazatlan, Alamos, and to build Ojinaga. But eventually able to secure sufficient funds to complete the project, assigned to Owens Foster Higgins, the Rio Grande, Sierra Madre and the PacificRailways for the 1898-degree, 259-km stretch between Ciudad Juarez and Casas Grandes work. Insurmountable obstacles prevented the further expansion as well.

The project was later Enrique Creel, the Kansas City run, Mexico and Orient Railway, which was adopted and can connect further with Casas Grandes The Board, after four years of additional work, from 1910 to 1914. But the revolutionary attacks thwarted further completion of the next sectorOjinaga to Creel.

In 1900 it was linked to El Fuerte Topolobambo of many Mexican and U.S. railway company, but on condition that the full path from Chihuahua to Ojinaga remained until 1927, when the Mexican government, industry, which had begun Creel finished hard. Rest was 260-km path requiring the canyon, whose 7,000 meters altitude and topographical obstacles extreme engineering works would be exceeded. Nationalization of the railways independentThe companies that are still over one end of the line in 1940 unconnected operated announced that the Mexican government 13 years later, in 1953, the program would end.

The initial estimate of five years of construction project, starting with the work of Owens' in 1863, finally, has about 90 years and $ 90 million in claims, down the last stretch before the 1961 plan, attempts to multiply with experience , not by different companies, the cost overruns of unimaginable until thenProportions, engineering failures, the Mexican Revolution and the First World War, eventually won with a rail link between the sea level city of Los Mochis and the high altitude capital of Chihuahua the rugged, inhospitable topography of a series of Sierra Madre Occidental near the canyon of tracks that make their way up 86 tunnels and over 37 bridges threaded, crossed the Continental Divide three times, and were transferred to a difference in altitude of 8,000 feet from the subject immediatelyProcess.

Have occurred at dawn on black night like a metamorphosis colorless, gradually revealing the color of opaque clouds. The suburbs Chihuahua product rich, chocolate brown and the hills, golden straw-like grass growing up against the rails.

By decreasing the speed, felt the Chihuahua al Pacifico Railroad for their dynamism in Cuauhtemoc, now 132 km from its origin. Originally called San Antonio de Arenales, the country was known, later adopting its current name afterThe Aztec emperor, takes its origins arrival of the railroad in 1900, but a significant increase in nearly 21 years later, when Mennonite community settled.

Resume movement took the train in the middle of the golden wheat fields, stretching on both sides at the foot of the Sierra Madre mountains. To obtain a preliminary indication of topography has been fleeting. The sky, now receive a blue illustration, a few scattered formations of white cotton.

I went to the dining carfor breakfast, my first meal on the rails. Directly behind the locomotive, is characterized by a kitchen forward, four, four instead of stalls, a glass divider, two two-place objects on the left and a C-shaped, folded back on itself with a sofa tables on the right side, a second glass partitions, and four, four-seater stand. Brass lamps attached to the car hanging on the side of each table. Seats upholstered in dark red and green alternately.

A standard two-page menu featuring breakfast available on the market, lunch,and dinner items. My own breakfast an omelet with ham and cheese, fried potatoes with peppers and onions, baked beans with grated cheese and tortillas and salsa.

Leave the valley and its ubiquitous apple orchards was the Chihuahua al Pacifico Railroad over the Continental Divide for the first of what would become three times and short Junta, the location of the railroad roundhouse, now standing at 6,775 feet elevation. At the start, began its gradual ascentleaving the plains of Chihuahua.

Since 1030, some 200 kilometers, 74, the train wound through the woods of oak-pine-Sierra Madrean as he ascended through 7,000 feet. San Juanito, Chihuahua, and 265 km from an altitude of 8,000 feet in Mexico was the coldest city, even if the sun straight ahead unimpeded. Founded in 1906, is, like many villages along the route, took root following the extension rail.

At km marker 551,the peaks of the Sierra Madre Occidental from sticking.

Immersion 4 through tunnels, to 4,134.8 feet, the line of the longest and the position of the third crossing of the Continental Divide, was the Chihuahua al Pacifico Railroad branch on double track, stop motion, while we went eastward freight train on the left side partially reverse the tunnel and emerge into the branch for its approach in Creel 7735 meters. Founded in 1907, during the first phase of the railwayConstruction, is the gateway to the Tarahumara Indian culture and how the principle is the community within its canyons, inhabited by about 5,000 people. The ongoing economic activities include trade, the same railroad, the timber industry and tourism. A brief stop to allow a large tour group that bears the name tags on the cars before the train otherwise empty board almost immediately and moved beyond the village square and the line of wooden shops and inns.Diverting from the same outcrop, returned to the main path for his throat through urgent trips.

Since the four car chain wire on his way, but rock and pine, appeared before an Ferromex diesel engines and to the right or left of the window as it negotiated the curves. Climbing the highest point of the line at kilometer 583, 8071 meters in Los Ojitos, train followed 74 of the winding, always ascending, single track, and breathe the fresh air and pine wood fire smolderingInsert both ends of the cars on the podium stations.

In 1235, the train winds through tall, dense pine forests-threaded and carpeted expanse of the canyon is visible through the left window, where you from Kilometre 592, began a steep descent on "El Lazo", as the oval track geometry in a complete circle and crossed over itself.

Convergence at 1320 Divisadero, now 354 km from its origin, the two-locomotive and four cars Chihuahua al PacificoRailroad Canyon transition from the mountain topography and the reduced speed, passing a string of wagons and support vehicles to more movement on the surface of the double track railway. To stop unleashed 15 minutes of panning, were his patrons immediately engulfed in a mecca of activities such as states, which negotiated a temporary display of the Tarahumara Indians, basketry and wood carvings on the road, served by Divisadero Overlook, where they were met thin, clear air and thePanoramic views of the Copper and Urique canyons Tararecua whose size, depth and magnitude were silent reverence and promotion. A thin line, which wound a tributary of the river Urique, 4135 feet below. The geological formations have been the result of plate tectonics, moving about 90 million years, a system global phenomenon, which later produced in the mountains of North and South America. Unimaginable magnitude earthquake in the end produced the Sea of ​​Cortezbetween Baja California and mainland Mexico. Today were deep gorges, green, and four times larger than the Grand Canyon of Arizona.

A locomotive whistle said it was time to return the train for the journey continues. The quick, four km walk to Posada Barrancas station, which serves three Canyon Lodges, brought me to my destination at night, the small pick-up a few meters from the rail cars awaiting action. After a pause of 30 seconds, theTrain resumed power and disappeared following their car as they moved between the track and sandwiching the rocks behind the curve, the position of the line of daily life stopped now for another 24 hours. The truck making its way up the hill with the dirt bags on the bed floor, he stopped at Hotel Posada Barrancas Mirador.

A three-story orange Adobe Lodge on the edge of the Copper Canyon, 5770 meters deep construction, featuring wood framed balconies, rustic Tarahumara Indiansand consisted of three meals a day. The lobby, decorated with a brown brick floor and walls of yellow brick with an Indian line drawings, featured a cathedral ceiling, beams and thick planks of wood of a tree trunk with three wagon wheel-like chandeliers, a large fireplace brick, with a ceramic-lined jacket and a crackling fire in the evening and leather sofas and armchairs. A small separate bar features a small, round tables, wooden chairs, colorful Indian motif, a fireplace and a painting of orange adobeWall-length mural of the Copper Canyon and the railroad that ran through him. A great outdoors, canyons, balcony view was a natural twig and trunk-line through a door from the hall. With frame

A, walking past outdoor fireplace ran columns of ceramics, stones and cactus on the right side and doors on the left. The rooms, in quintessential Mexican-Indian style, the hotel retains features tile floors and hard, white brick walls, wooden ceilings, small, whiteadobe fireplaces with orange bases, separate sink outside and cabinets where the doors were made of wood from the branches with an angle formed by the tiles in showers and rustic tree trunk road and balconies that overlook the gorge.

Lunch was included in the dining room, long wooden tables, serves and featured instead a thin branches downward sloping ceiling, four wooden candlestick, a green slate fireplace and large windows that looked over the gap andinclude cream of mushroom soup, grilled fillet of beef, baked potatoes, beans and cheese, nachos with cheese and tomato sauce and tortillas and salsa, peach-cream cake with a cookie crust and chocolate sauce drizzle and coffee .

The few wispy clouds on the horizon west over the cliffs of the canyon-shaped brush stroked temporarily converted to shades of pink and purple. The air is thin, pure and fresh, you can feel the calm. Far from being aSettlement or city has an appreciable size, orange adobe hotel overlooks the edge of an isolated world of its own.

Dinner, the second meal in the Canyon, including lentil soup, grilled chicken breast, rice lime with green olives and vegetables, and pineapple cakes.

His throat had been reduced to light without a referenceless black hole. The grid of the star, free from a cloud of vapor, mist or pollution-induced light soil, penetrated into the night sky ashigh-intensity beam melting of black wax. The cold, thin air was heavy with the aroma of burning logs in the fireplace adobe lodge. Fall asleep, I fall into the void of oblivion ...


Pierced only by the sounds of coyotes howling at night was the regular black has been invisible. In 0630, between Copper Canyon and a band of dark cloud that poured in the day as dawn orange molten lava through a splitter on the eastern horizon, slowlyforward, until the black cloud band was once infused with shades of orange, gradually absorbed like a sponge day of liquids. The columns and cliffs of the canyon, waves, although not yet distinguish, as if in silhouette was visible under the dark blue sky, the night light, the abundance of the interstellar star, had gone up to a single point of light representing the planet has been diagonally to the balcony Lodge. By absorbing the fury of the day, the cloud bandhovering over the horizon was enveloped in fire-red flame.

The daily train to the west, I would take the remaining half of the distance to the terminus, Los Mochis, had just moved from Chihuahua. The clouds that were now totally consumed by fire completely engulfed by the red. When the flame burned the back of an orange red cold progressed and turned into a baby blue sky morning. The gray granite of the canyon-shaped rocks and the green of itslowest vegetation was discernible. Breakfast is served in the dining room of the hotel, had included orange juice, a fresh fruit plate of watermelon, papaya, melon, banana, cherry and lime, pancakes, maple syrup and bacon, and coffee.

From late morning, the hut seemed to be suspended from his silence, like his guests, on a temporary basis, became involved with hiking and horseback riding, almost waiting for the train every day from Chihuahua, the lifeline of the isolatedCanyon of the community. A small, colorful clothes Tarahumara woman who placed a child in a fabric sling behind his back, looked at the window in the lodge curiosity of life "other" can be found here.

The suspension of silence, the time and the company was abruptly destroyed in 1330 when the dark green and red bud Ferromex diesel, black smoke and pulled his chain of five cars appeared from the bushes on the single track, after the right turn and stop toDeveloped "Old West'-like wooden platform on which around 20 people after Posada Barrancas" three huts, gathered. In contrast to yesterday's train, a locomotive of today, the Dining Car and standard bar, and three cars were together. Reached out loud on board with the rest of the baggage, passenger, I left my seat and the engine has released his brakes and the train was heading west had slipped between two walls of rock on the opposite side of the EarthRoad.

A few seconds after leaving the station, followed by the Chihuahua al Pacifico Railway in the multiplication of San Rafael and stopped the train in parallel to the east. A gradual descent from 7,500 feet to sea level characterize it, would most of the remaining path. Lunch is served in the dining car, including California, a baguette with ham, cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, ketchup, mayonnaise and Dijon mustard on French bread with French fries.

Behind a left turn,The Chihuahua al Pacifico Railroad crashed into a tunnel and 695.4 meters above the Laja Bridge, now that the tracks in a canyon full of pine trees. In 1515, it moved in 5300 Bahuichivo foot station, which serves Cerocahui city, located 16 km to the center of the apple and peach trees, and the village of Urique, which is located on the bottom of the canyon. Between 688 and 708 km, the train through a series of 16 tunnels carved into the canyon edge. The course,parallel to the narrow, rocky, river almost dry Septentrion below, was itself "miniaturized" the green-carpeted peaks Chihuahua pine, spruce, poplar and dominated. The sky, with plenty of majestic, silver cloud floating islands, which otherwise would be a prominent blue.

Reduced to the model, but a train, pulled the six chained connection between the towering granite peaks and alpine topographic-green of the oaks and pines, ingested at regular intervals by a series of tunnels, thedays immediately reduced to blue-black night. Imitating the locomotive, is slightly behind with curves and bumps prices, has followed suit with his car back eerie precision. Once the train is a tunnel that seemingly small round hole, the entrance seemed to be over at the next stop.

The entrance tunnel 49, the train is now run down into the Canyon of Santa Barbara, a 180-degree turn before the exit and then was subjected to a second 180-degree turn onBridge on the River Septentrion. Temoris The village, founded by the Jesuits in 1677 and is located on a plateau 3365 meters above the station was reached in 1610 in the afternoon.

If you are the Canyon Rio Septentrion train traveled through 74 mostly tropical topography, characterized by banana and mango trees. In 1708 and 748 km marker the train crossed the bridge was Chinipas 1018.5 meters 335 meters above the Green River Chinipas interface appearsthe top of the line, and six miles later, the last and longest of its tunnels, number 86, which was 5966 meters long tedious. As the last notes of a symphony, the Chihuahua al Pacifico Railroad Canyon Country left.

Towards evening, took the passengers, many of whom belonged to one of two groups, up to the bar car for wine and cocktails. The same car is located between the lunch and had the machine, configured with an inner barwith different round bar stool, mirror shelves for bottles and glasses of wine and spirits hanging upside down. Especially in red have been upholstered sofas drinking pinched with small, round tables, while a stand-up bar and a snack bar concession and souvenirs sold at the front of the car has been installed.

At km marker 781, the train was in Agua Caliente Bridge, which crosses the river and went to Fuerte 1,637 meters, the longest line. From low,cactus and scrub forest soil thor to 1730, he moved with remarkable speed the characteristic palisade under the blue sky and cloud dark halo periodical collections sunset. The horizontal lines of the cloud, brush stroked western horizon, were eaten by the combustion of coal Orange. Float burned a few meters above the curve shape of the mountains, the sun, in a pure geometry cylindrical, with orange-rabies before slipping behind them. The voice projected into the silence of the night, is a volcanic eruptionsky purple and orange molten lava in its consequences. The meanders of the river under the bridge weighs the track seemed a meeting of purple. The cloud formations, a temporary from Orange in flames as the night turns purple swept away the few remains of the day just over the horizon is burning embers. A quilt by Rubin and draped gray layer alone during the day, cover it with a dark, stuffy and let the warm, lighted interior of the car as the only residueLight.

Train travels 74, now parallel to the flat, near-desert in the state of Sinaloa, the Copper Canyon and the foothills of the Sierra Madre had left behind, and the remaining gap would be close to its final destination in the dark, leaving only l '"clock" of the wheels against the guide as a sound of its evolution. Hiking in the dining car on the track for the last meal, I ordered a bottle of French white wine and an appetizer of chicken cordon bleu with aMushroom cream sauce, Mexican rice and mixed vegetables.

The city of El Fuerte, had reached around 1910, was the Spanish colonial architecture in 1564 and was founded by Spanish conquistador Francisco de Ibarra in order to build a fortress to protect its citizens from Indian attacks. Serve as a trading post on the Camino Real for three centuries, the Spanish mule that has been associated Guadalahara Alamos mines, and the Sierra Madre Occidental, was the capital ofSinaloa in 1824.

Teetering on the single track in the dark velvet, diamond star of the sky and moved across the flat expanse of the country, the train 74, the remaining 82 miles between El Fuerte and Los Mochis, flying over the rectangles are the reflections of the side window of his burning car on the path covered with vegetation.

The reflections of car windows were rectangular like the reflections of the travel deals in contrast to the railway lines, alternative transportMeans to achieve certain goals, offered the Chihuahua al Pacifico Railroad only fixed to and through the Sierra Madre Occidental and their associated grooves. The lifeline for the communities along the route from Chihuahua to Los Mochis, the method has offered unique, vital transportation, traveled over 653 kilometers of track, the path may be identified only by a feat of railway engineering extreme, given the mountain canyons and unparalleled scenery, and with the Mexican and TarahumaraNative American cultures.

The only track on the train and many have been significantly proliferated size backyard. The lights of Los Mochis, the modern city is located only 19 km from the port city Topolobambo loomed before. Crawling through the suburbs, the houses that was moved a few meters from the actual path, the modern Chihuahua al Pacifico Railroad over the Estación de Los Mochis at a snail's pace, and brought home the brakes for the last time in 2205, completed his 16 hours,20 minutes drive from the plains to the Pacific.

Among my suitcase from the rack and head down the few steps to the platform, I saw the crew in uniform off the train, the lights and the file in the terminal, after a different direction to run west, and it was only on the vital role played the wonder of the railway at the end of Copper Canyon Mexico with the rest of the link.

From Mexico Copper Canyon Chihuahua al Pacifico Railway with

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Several types of riding boots

!±8± Several types of riding boots

Riding boots are generally used for driving and riding bikes. These are classic shoes and come in today. They have a heel of less than one inch. These shoes prevent your foot slipping through the strirrup while driving. If you take an interest in motorcycles or bicycles, you can decide for them. The market is flooded with these types of shoes today. You can find a lot of styles in these shoes. Not only is it possible for the horseRide or drive, you also do this for your pleasure.

Some popular styles of boots are boots, cowboy boots and paddocks. The high boots are boots that end just below the knee. Hunting boots, field boots, clothing and shoes are in this particular variety of shoes included.

Field boots are laced to the ankle. People who wear these shoes are more comfortable ride at an angle to the ankle high, which was developed by short strirrupLength required to work beyond the fences. These types of shoes are favored disciples when he jumps. You can also police officers who wear them.

Boots dress does not have any type of string around the ankle. They are usually severe and can be worn by eventers, dressage and fox hunting. You can also pilot show jumpers with these shoes. These are traditionally painted black.

Boots and hunting boots are usually black. They have a collar, light brown andmore suitable for fox hunting. The cracks that are worn over paddock boots actually twice the visual line and the protection of high boots.

Paddock boots are also a popular type of riding boots. They are also known as Boots in the market. These boots are usually brief, which are above the ankle. These shoes are mostly used for pleasure riding and everyday use. They are also required for riding solo seat. You can find people wearing leggings for aadditional protection. This also gives the impression of high boots.

The boots that come up with shoes are usually seen in the saddle seat fighter. You can use the saddle Chelsea boot style and are available in both Hunt Seat disciplines. These shoes have become quite common on the market. They are particularly suitable for the purpose or work in the garden and are not suitable for driving because of his deep grooves, heavy soles.

The boots are made of leather smooth leather or pigskin and in factThis is why most of them has a classic look. Materials such as vinyl, leather and other materials are used to produce them. If you buy around them, often you can see that you can vary the quality of the skin. If you want your good shoes go, always well-known brand, the shoes with high quality materials produced soft and subtle.

Several types of riding boots

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