How are you going to Yeoman "A" school training.
I arrived in Meridian, Mississippi, for training Yeoman "A" School, called it. There should be a couple of months the school where we teach all the things right, depending on the type of correspondence of the Navy and other paper work.
I was in the middle of the night to my new station. The way the dorms were set up, there were three guys in a room and common living room with 4 tables, TV, and stuffso it was like our living room. I remember a very fat boy, shouting, "fresh meat", screamed. Fortunately for me was that asshole out of his way, and I had made for him very long at all.
I remember the first day down at school. First you had to fall in line with everyone else. The whole school marched from the barracks to the school, in a military order. Down at the school, which teaches us how to type, forbegin. I had an input in high school, but I never learned a word on a typewriter. The teacher was kind to me and gave me a D, the only way I could pass the class. But that was the Navy, and I'm sure I expect to learn how to type. There was no way to make learning, he had to do. I learned the right way, and at a certain speed, in about 2 weeks.
The way in which the Navy will lead the way will show a film in the dark, andhide the keyboard out of sight. Turn off the lights, and I show the Navy that these films are about two weeks. Each two-hour film shows how different words, and before you know it, the film is finished, and you know how to type in my sleep. They have so much input that you end up repeating it in his sleep, apparently, and you should be able to give a certain amount of words per minute to graduate from the class, and having to go to the nearestStation.
In addition to the daily learning in school, do the paper work for the right way, and things like that. Yeoman school was more or less like any other school, you learn things. Except here, they wore uniforms and had the education to get every morning and listen to things said to you.
You could do pretty much whatever they wanted, after school every day. They were allowed to do pretty much everything we wanted, but was not allowed to leave the earth and go tothe city. I was in Meridian for about two months, but I have not had many opportunities to do a lot of different parts of town, just a couple of times to see if they call us freedom.
At school, the majority of people come and go, always ready to send to new duty stations. People were always given orders for all kinds of exotic-sounding places. Do you have something in the Navy that the "dream sheet", you can call, where you get three points you would like to be your next new place of employment.The Navy says it will try, you get your dreams of a workplace or as close to one of them, as they can.
I chose Australia, the Philippines and Hawaii. The Navy, he landed the command, a ship that was stationed in Guam. I had never heard of Guam. I had to go look at the map. It was roughly in the middle of all three of my choice of employment, but not one of them. But it will be my new ship would come later. I had to quit school still Yeomanand the first of its graduates. Some people have never been the type to hang at a certain speed. They landed with early school leaving, and choose another job training.
The school was still a new space for many people. We had just finished boot camp, and I learned more freedom, they gave us, let alone going to scream like it was training camp. Some of the characters of the units, which were moored we were just crazy.
The real estate unit, we were all living, was threeStoreys in height, and had several people who live in it. Some of the people who lived in our unit were waiting to be discharged from the Navy, which for various reasons. In one room, which was directly below us, was a gay man living extravagantly. They were so outrageous and flamboyant gay as Liberace. A black and a white boy.
The Navy discharge them both, for the openly gay. They were the happiest guys I've ever seen, and I think it could be the first since theI've seen in real life than on TV. I was from a small town, could actually make damn best course of action for the Navy, but I do not think so, no man would have been thrown, dass
One day I was assigned my first watch was to be with a partner. We will be traveling a patrol of the campus for four hours. When I introduced myself to my watch, I was with a girl who goes to a Yeoman was also a partnership.
As we walked for 4 hours in ourtime we look at the bus stop as usual. Just go around, and make sure everything was in order. My new partner, I had just met asked me what kind of drugs, which I liked. I told her about my experiences that I had to do with drugs, and was limited, and then she told me. I had never heard mention of drugs which, at that time anyway. Now a days, is the stuff I said everywhere, but was out of town and said he liked and did it all the time, and I do not even know whatwas talking about. That was really the first girl I ever spoke, he wore a uniform like me, and I was wondering what kind of girl, a member of the Navy?
While I was stationed at Yeoman School, we got another paycheck. Suddenly I had a lot more money, and I do not I have any damage. I was looking at a black table somewhere and told me to sell this bike for $ 500. It 'was an employee who was stationed at the base, and alsolived on base, but was working elsewhere.
Students were not allowed to leave the base unless they were released. I had bought and paid for the bike, with almost all the money from your pay, I just received. The man I bought the bike, gave me a lot of extra parts, like an additional tank, gas can, oil, that sort of thing, you get a bike when you can buy it at times. I parked the bike in the parking lot of the barracks. I've always wantedBikes to ride around with me, on the basis, just as I was at school, and then get rid of it. I have all the extra parts, fuel, oil, etc. .. in my cabinet that stands up like a little belief was that you should keep in divided
One day, the employees said they wanted to have a surprise check to see how things were going. We never had control before school, so this was new to me.
When they come to inspect,call them "attention on deck" and you should stop what you are doing and stand at attention until someone shouts: "Carry On". We were all lined up in front of our closets, attention, and opened every cupboard, and see how the guys were put away, and then came to me.
When he came to inspect my wardrobe, and I opened for her, he saw for the first time all these gas cans, oil cans, motorcycle parts and more, they did not know what to think.They had to call special people to see the danger of fire. I was told everything from out my closet and I was told I was not allowed to own a motorcycle on base. I ended up getting rid of it to another employee for $ 50 I met a dead end.
I was able to drive around the base, and lacked the silencer, and was strong, there was no Harley, but he felt me to come. When other boys were in the common room, just sitting, watching TV, I didafter school, me riding on my bicycle, checking the base on my bike I did not have.
After leaving school, students are left in town. Before you are entitled to go into town and called to freedom, was told what to expect and what to do, and should not stay out of trouble. They said that the city people do not really like the man in the Navy, so be careful if you're in town, are all struggling to avoid.
We all went to one ofmost common brand name of the city's bars, where almost all boys and girls from the base, not too many places around. It would be transformed into a giant meat market. Each hut was finally with someone who wanted the school that you could not do in school, or in barracks. Any male or female, captured in a chamber room of the school, said the fraternity, and was very serious, and could be expelled from the marina. In the city, each ended with someoneand all the rooms rented for the night.
School was out, and it was time to "normal marine" join as it was called, and meant the regular Navy ships and the sea and go to other countries.
I took my leave first before going to the Navy, and reporting for duty, for my first ship. I wore my uniform as I ought to do, and I rode on a Greyhound bus, of Meridian, Mississippi to Detroit, Michigan. It 'was one of the longest journeys I have ever done in a bus.It must be stopped at any ranch, poultry farm, on the road. When I finally returned to Michigan, I was dead tired, tired from the bus stop. I was at home with my sister's house for about 10 days.
It was time to go to my first "real" job. My first real service station, was a submarine tender, USS Proteus called (AS-19), with just over 1,300 people were on it. 6 of the crew members were women, wives of all officers'. Half of them would work in my department.
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